“Books are finite, sexual encounters are finite, but the desire to read and to fuck is infinite; it surpasses our own deaths, our fears, our hopes for peace.” ― Roberto Bolaño
quinta-feira, 27 de abril de 2017
quarta-feira, 26 de abril de 2017
segunda-feira, 24 de abril de 2017
quinta-feira, 20 de abril de 2017
Travesti - Paulo da Costa Domingos
Tivemos um quarto belo como nas casas de passe
Comigo a mirar-te nua no espelho do guarda-vestidos
À socapa
Tivemos um recinto belo como o pavilhão dos furiosos
de uma clínica psiquiátrica
Os teus olhos encovados dialogavam com a morte
24 sobre 24 horas
& afinal os teus cabelos oxigenados iam deixando ver
agora a cor real
& a tua bolsa estava vazia e eu tive de voltar a pé para
Mas nunca deixaste de me sorrir, mesmo do lado de lá
Dos barbitúricos
Travesti. Lisboa: &etc, 1979
Comigo a mirar-te nua no espelho do guarda-vestidos
À socapa
Tivemos um recinto belo como o pavilhão dos furiosos
de uma clínica psiquiátrica
Os teus olhos encovados dialogavam com a morte
24 sobre 24 horas
& afinal os teus cabelos oxigenados iam deixando ver
agora a cor real
& a tua bolsa estava vazia e eu tive de voltar a pé para
Mas nunca deixaste de me sorrir, mesmo do lado de lá
Dos barbitúricos
Travesti. Lisboa: &etc, 1979
terça-feira, 18 de abril de 2017
sábado, 15 de abril de 2017
Conjugación Simple - Víctor Peña Dacosta
Lo mejor del pretérito imperfecto
es su capacidad de convertir
hechos triviales en unas memorias
interesantes o en un poemario
confesional, a medio camino entre
las cosas que mi madre nunca supo
y las que mis nietos deberían saber.
quinta-feira, 13 de abril de 2017
terça-feira, 11 de abril de 2017
And All Watched Over By Machines of Loving Grace - Niall Bourke
The open fridge is beeping, but not beeping
like an open fridge, it is beeping more like a foul
mouthed reversing truck being interviewed
before the watershed, it is beeping like a cyborg
having a fit under an airport scanner and impromptu
starts the microwave, so desperate to answer
the question oh, oh, I know, pick me, pick me,
but before I can answer, that square kid with the dirty
glass face chimes in, too hot or too cold or too something,
and when then the dishwasher pipes up with its falsetto,
(it would have to be a falsetto) the swinging fridge door
is now leading a symphony, a symphony that has been written
by your foot after your sock has fallen down below your heel
while walking back to work to get your keys,
a symphony being played by enthusiastic but very angular
people who have only ever seen the concept of music
after it has been shone through a prism by a Picasso painting
and so when the tumble dryer completes the quintet
and their crescendo breaks over me like all my cancelled bank cards
I know, oh I know for certain that we indeed are so lucky
to all be watched over by machines of such deep and loving grace.
Retirado daqui.
like an open fridge, it is beeping more like a foul
mouthed reversing truck being interviewed
before the watershed, it is beeping like a cyborg
having a fit under an airport scanner and impromptu
starts the microwave, so desperate to answer
the question oh, oh, I know, pick me, pick me,
but before I can answer, that square kid with the dirty
glass face chimes in, too hot or too cold or too something,
and when then the dishwasher pipes up with its falsetto,
(it would have to be a falsetto) the swinging fridge door
is now leading a symphony, a symphony that has been written
by your foot after your sock has fallen down below your heel
while walking back to work to get your keys,
a symphony being played by enthusiastic but very angular
people who have only ever seen the concept of music
after it has been shone through a prism by a Picasso painting
and so when the tumble dryer completes the quintet
and their crescendo breaks over me like all my cancelled bank cards
I know, oh I know for certain that we indeed are so lucky
to all be watched over by machines of such deep and loving grace.
Retirado daqui.
domingo, 9 de abril de 2017
quinta-feira, 6 de abril de 2017
Um poema de Sara F. Costa - Ego
vou procurar-te em toda a extensão do meu corpo,
sei que me habitas,
sepultado algures no meu ego.
se não estás aqui, estás nas entranhas das estrelas e é igual,
é a língua de um filme que achaste medíocre por ser abstracto,
é o leque cromático da gramática
que me impinges,
são os nervos exaltados que gritam com o poema
e é o poema que grita
e as palavras que estremecem até aos tendões.
cravo cada letra até à mais profunda solidão
terça-feira, 4 de abril de 2017
segunda-feira, 3 de abril de 2017
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